These 24 kid-friendly worship songs were chosen especially for the Children and Worship program. But they're great for any Sunday school program, midweek program, family worship, or anytime! With a mix of up-tempo and quieter songs, this collection helps children everywhere connect with God in worship.
1. Alleluia, Alleluia, Give Thanks to the Risen Lord
2. Awesome God
3. Be Still and Know
4. Come into His Presence
5. Father, I Adore You
6. God Is Here Today
7. Go Now in Peace
8. God Is So Good
9. He is Lord
10. I Love You, Lord
11. Jesus Loves Me
12. Jesus Loves the Little Children
13. Jesus, Remember Me
14. King of Kings and Lord of Lords
15. Lord, I Lift Your Name on High
16. May the Words of My Mouth (Ps. 19)
17. My Soul Is at Rest
18. O Come, All Ye Faithful
19. Open Our Eyes, Lord
20. Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
21. Shalom
22. Silent Night
23. This Is the Day
24. Thy Word