The narrative of Exodus shows how God works to deliver his people—through amazing miracles and a reluctant leader—to show Egypt and all nations that the God of Israel is the one Lord over heaven and earth. The images are rich and revealing: grinding slavery, a stubborn king, ten powerful plagues, the first Passover, the crossing of the Red Sea. All these and more point to the powerful presence of the Lord, who is faithful and fulfills his promises. In this story we see how God proceeds to work out his plan to deliver people of all nations from their slavery in sin to enjoy new life, through Jesus Christ, his one and only Son.
Discover Exodus: Special Delivery is the first part of a two-part study of the book of Exodus. Part One features 12 lessons covering Exodus 1-15, and Part Two,titled Discover Exodus: Life Lessons, features 12 lessons covering Exodus 16-40. This material is intended for small group Bible study, but it can also be used profitably for personal study.