La exposición de David Atkinson nos lleva al principio de todas las cosas. Los primeros capítulos de Génesis proclaman el origen del mundo y de la vida humana en él. Estos capítulos de Génesis invitan al asombro: despiertan la maravilla al ver a Dios usando su poder creador, aplicando su misericordia amorosa, su terrible juicio y su esperanza que da vida. El autor sostiene, que estos once primeros capítulos, son realmente una obertura para el resto de la Biblia. Aquí hallaremos los recursos que nos permitirán comprender tanto la grandeza como la lacra innata de los seres humanos contemporáneos. Ésta es la clave de nuestra historia.
Genesis shows us how and why we are. It uncovers the origins of evil. It illuminates the meaning of freedom. It expresses the harmony of creation. And it offers hope for the renewal of our natural world and for the healing of our broken relationships. "Genesis 1-11 is really an overture to the rest of the Bible." So writes David Atkinson in his introduction to this thoughtful and spiritual guide to the opening chapters of Genesis. Writing as a scientist and as a pastor, Atkinson avoides technicalities and speculation and provides a skillful guide to the text's theological significance. While many commentaries on these chapters become tangled in problems of dating, authorship and historicity, this tour of the opening chapters of Genesis focuses on the issues that really matter. Atkinson's work will be a delight to all--seasoned expositors and novice readers alike.