"A veces, surge la pregunta: `Como representante de Jesús, ¿qué es lo más importante: la vida que vivo o las palabras que digo?' Esta pregunta crea una antítesis falsa entre la consistencia de nuestra vida y nuestro testimonio verbal". Esto lo dice Paul Little en su guía clásica para compartir tu fe. En este libro práctico y realista, Little ofrece ejemplos de la vida cotidiana y consejos útiles para gente normal que quiere compartir el mensaje extraordinario del evangelio.
As a Christian sharing the faith, what is more to the point: the life I lead or the words I say? Both, of course! Witnessing and living is one and the same thing for a committed Christian. And we are meant to strive for both with equal energy and zeal. Paul Little says as much in his already classical guide to sharing the faith. With plenty of cases in point and down to earth advice, Paul Little helps us share the extraordinary message of the gospel in new ways. More relevant than ever, it is a tested and tried resource.