Live Justly is an in-depth scriptural and practical study to help people live justly in six key areas of life:advocacy, prayer, consumption,generosity, creation care, and relationships.
Live Justly has been written on the basis of these core principles:
- Justice is part of the character and nature of God, and to live justly we must encounter God in a personal and powerful way.
- The Holy Spirit is the one who convicts.
- People change through relationships, not statistics, so Live Justly is designed to create a culture and community among participants that enables honest, convicting discussion about justice.
- We will not reduce justice to an activity; it is a lifestyle.
- We will not sacrifice the dignity of people living in oppression for the sake of inspiring action.
- We particularly focus on the role of advocacy, which some say is a lost art within the church, but the ground is fertile for a revival of action that has the potential to be incredibly transformative. We define advocacy as challenging ourselves and our leaders to change attitudes, behaviors,and policies that perpetuate injustice and deny God's will for all creation to flourish.