Author: Laura Keeley
Laura Keeley is the director of Children's Ministry at 14th Street Christian Reformed Church. Beside writing many curriculum units, she has also coauthored Christmas plays, book chapters, and a book on faith milestones. She lives with her husband, Bob, in Holland, Michigan.
$25.74 CDN
A Guide for Churches
By Laura Keeley, Robert J Keeley
As children, youth, and adults travel on their faith journey, it's important to mark the milestones along the way and to celebrate God's goodness. This practical resource helps you and your church identify faith milestones and celebrate them togethe...
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$28.60 CDN
A Christmas Play for Children
By Laura Keeley, Robert J Keeley
During a Christmas program the director is explaining that this year's performance is based on Matthew 1. One of the participants questions the wisdom of a program based on the begats. As the passage is read, the stories of Judah and Joseph, Ruth, J...
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$22.88 CDN
By Laura Keeley, Henry Kranenburg, Leonard Vander Zee
Today's churches are busy places that strive to do ministry in a variety of ways in the community where they live. In many cases the pastor doesn't have the time or gifts to lead all the ministries of the church, so a congregation chooses other capa...
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$12.87 CDN
A Guide for Family Faith Formation
By Laura Keeley, Robert J Keeley
Studies show that parents are the most influential people in the faith formation of their kids. Using the framework of four "Building Blocks of Faith," this book encourages parents as they help their children to find their place in God's family, kno...
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$28.60 CDN
A Christmas Play for Children
By Laura Keeley, Robert J Keeley
In this drama, a teacher sends students to different rooms to look at stories of exile: Adam and Eve being sent out of the Garden of Eden, the Israelites enslaved in Egypt, and the Babylonian exile. As they discuss these stories they realize that th...
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$28.60 CDN
A Christmas Play for Children
By Laura Keeley, Robert J Keeley
Kristen, Andrew, and Lynnae are living in Israel at the time of Jesus' birth. They wonder how they will recognize the Messiah. Kristen is sure that they can expect a leader like King David. He will be a Messiah whois chosen by God.c...
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$28.60 CDN
A Christmas Play for Children
By Laura Keeley, Robert J Keeley
Friends gather at a class reunion of Bethlehem High School. One of the classmates reminds them of the stories of Israel's past—of how Moses and Samuel talked to God, of how Josiah and all of Israel were changed by the reading of God's Word. Finally,...
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$143.00 CDN
By Laura Keeley, Bonny Mulder-Behnia
Trace God's big story from creation to new creation! Includes intergenerational events centered on creation, the fall, Abraham, the exodus, David, Jesus' birth, Jesus' ministry, Jesus' death and resurrection, the spread of the gospel, and the new he...
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$28.60 CDN
One Event for Advent
By Laura Keeley
Through drama, readings, and a whole-church Jesse tree project, WE: Expectations will help your church prepare for the coming of Jesus, the Son of God and the "son of David." While other WE series contain several events, this single stand-a...
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$85.80 CDN
By Laura Keeley, Bonny Mulder-Behnia
The Bible tells us of many covenants made between God and his people. Discover what covenants are and how they shape the salvation story. Events explore the covenants made with Noah and Abraham, God's covenant with his people at Mt. Sinai, Jesus as ...
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$28.60 CDN
A Christmas Play for Children
By Laura Keeley, Robert J Keeley
A Sunday school class gathers for a lesson about the birth of Jesus. When one member of the class arrives late, the class wonders if anyone was late in Bethlehem when Jesus was born. We look at four stories: the visit of Mary to Elizabeth's home, Ma...
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