IMPORTANT NOTICE: Faith Alive's website and ordering system will be going through an update. To facilitate this update, Faith Alive will be closed February 10th to February 19th and will not be able to accept new orders during this time. We look forward to serving you on our updated website on February 19th.
Children and Worship Program
The program for churches that offer a separate worship time for children, helping them to experience and learn about God. Click here to view wood figurines and click here to learn about the program and training.
These 24 kid-friendly worship songs were chosen especially for the Children and Worship program. Bu...
Learn More...
A 22-minute DVD introduction for pastors, Christian educators, worship committees, parents, and lay...
A book of additional Bible stories to use with the Children and Worship program. Stories in this bo...
Based on American Sign Language, this 11-minute DVD helps you learn signing for use in song and wor...
This original resource book for the Children and Worship program prepares leaders to help children ...