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Author: Leonard Vander Zee

Leonard Vander Zee serves as theological editor for Faith Alive Christian Resources and is an ordained pastor in the Christian Reformed Church.

The Church Staff Handbook
Add to Shopping Cart 978-1-59255-784-4 $16.00 $22.88 CDN 7/1/2014

The Church Staff Handbook

Today's churches are busy places that strive to do ministry in a variety of ways in the community where they live. In many cases the pastor doesn't have the time or gifts to lead all the ministries of the church, so a congregation chooses other capa...

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In Life and in Death
Add to Shopping Cart 978-1-56212-022-1 $40.00 $57.20 CDN 8/1/1992

In Life and in Death

A Pastoral Guide for Funerals

This helpful resource is a must for pastors and elders who minister to the dying, visit with individuals and families grieving the loss of a loved one, and conduct funerals. The pocket-size manual includes prayers and Scripture readings for many occ...

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You're Invited
Add to Shopping Cart 978-1-59255-777-6 $6.00 $8.58 CDN 11/26/2012

You're Invited

A Week of Family Devotions on the Lord's Supper

This one-week devotional helps parents or caretakers explain what communion is all about, get children ready to participate, and encourage the whole family to respond in gratitude for this very special gift from God. Includes five readings, plus sec...

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