Author: Howard Vanderwell
Howard Vanderwell describes himself as a "retired" pastor, husband, father, grandfather, friend, and child of God. Currently he's a staff member at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship at Calvin College and also at the Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is the author of "Proven Promises."
$21.45 CDN
Devotional Reflections
By Howard Vanderwell
This is a book about living life to the fullest, but it's not a ""how-to"" book. Think of it instead as an extended pastoral conversation in which reader and author open their hearts to each other as they reflect on the richest and most satisfying w...
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$8.58 CDN
A Devotional Booklet for Those Who Are Walking Through the Valleys of Life
By Howard Vanderwell
From the perspective of his own sufferings with cancer, Howard Vanderwell speaks about the fears, emotions, and weaknesses experienced by any Christian who suffers. He encourages those who are suffering and shares how he draws on the promises of God...
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