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Author: Bonny Mulder-Behnia

Rev. Bonny Mulder-Behnia serves as family ministries pastor at Rosewood CRC in Bellflower, California, where she oversees children's, youth, outreach, and family ministries.

WE: The Epic Story
Add to Shopping Cart 978-1-59255-561-1 $100.00 $143.00 CDN 8/30/2011

WE: The Epic Story

Trace God's big story from creation to new creation! Includes intergenerational events centered on creation, the fall, Abraham, the exodus, David, Jesus' birth, Jesus' ministry, Jesus' death and resurrection, the spread of the gospel, and the new he...

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WE: The Unshakeable Promise
Add to Shopping Cart 978-1-59255-562-8 $60.00 $85.80 CDN 8/21/2012

WE: The Unshakeable Promise

The Bible tells us of many covenants made between God and his people. Discover what covenants are and how they shape the salvation story. Events explore the covenants made with Noah and Abraham, God's covenant with his people at Mt. Sinai, Jesus as ...

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