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Author: M Craig Barnes

M. Craig Barnes is a pastor, a professor, and president of Princeton Theological Seminary. He is the author of several books, including "Yearning," "When God Interrupts," "Hustling God," and "Sacred Thirst."

Body & Soul
Add to Shopping Cart 978-1-59255-745-5 $16.00 $22.88 CDN 11/26/2012

Body & Soul

Reclaiming the Heidelberg Catechism

In this groundbreaking book, theologian, pastor, and popular author M. Craig Barnes reveals the Heidelberg Catechism's true identity. It's not a list of doctrinal questions and answers. It's not a cut-and-dried summary of what Christians believe. It...

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Body & Soul (eBook, ePub)
Add to Shopping Cart 978-1-59255-746-2 $10.00 $14.30 CDN 12/20/2012

Body & Soul (eBook, ePub)

Reclaiming the Heidelberg Catechism

In this groundbreaking book, theologian, pastor, and popular author M. Craig Barnes reveals the Heidelberg Catechism's true identity. It's not a list of doctrinal questions and answers. It'snot a cut-and-dried summary of what Christians believe. It'...

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Body & Soul (eBook, Kindle)
Add to Shopping Cart 978-1-59255-747-9 $10.00 $14.30 CDN 11/26/2012

Body & Soul (eBook, Kindle)

Reclaiming the Heidelberg Catechism

In this groundbreaking book, theologian, pastor, and popular author M. Craig Barnes reveals the Heidelberg Catechism's true identity. It's not a list of doctrinal questions and answers. It'snot a cut-and-dried summary of what Christians believe. It'...

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Body & Soul DVD
Add to Shopping Cart 978-1-59255-748-6 $20.00 $28.60 CDN 12/21/2012

Body & Soul DVD

This companion DVD to the bookBody & Soul features video introductions by M. Craig Barnes for use in a six-session study. In this study, Barnes reveals the Heidelberg Catechism as a deeply personal statement of faith and a surprisingly cont...

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Body & Soul Kit
Add to Shopping Cart 978-1-59255-749-3 $50.00 $71.50 CDN 12/21/2012

Body & Soul Kit

Reclaiming the Heidelberg Catechism

In this groundbreaking study, theologian, pastor, and popular author M. Craig Barnes reveals the Heidelberg Catechism's true identity. It's not a list of doctrinal questions and answers. It'snot a cut-and-dried summary of what Christians believe. It...

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