IMPORTANT NOTICE: Faith Alive's website and ordering system will be going through an update. To facilitate this update, Faith Alive will be closed February 17th to February 26th and will not be able to accept new orders during this time. We look forward to serving you on our updated website on February 26th.
Resources for Advent
Resources to help you celebrate Advent and Christmas at church and at home.
Also available are articles from Reformed Worship back issues.
This newly revised storybook retells a Bible story in simple language that young children can under...
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During a Christmas program the director is explaining that this year's performance is based on Matt...
What comes to mind when you think of Christmas? Gifts and decorations? Family parties and high-calo...
Available in print and digital. Come face to face with the Christ of Christmas and...
This is a Print on Demand book and is not...
Children in grades K-8 can prepare to receive the gift of Jesus and to celebrate that gift by givin...
In this drama, a teacher sends students to different rooms to look at stories of exile: Adam and Ev...
Jesus was born in an ordinary stable for ordinary people like shepherds—and like you and me!...
Children in grades K-8 can celebrate Jesus' birth together and learn how the birth of Jesus brought...
Kristen, Andrew, and Lynnae are living in Israel at the time of Jesus' birth. They wonder how they ...
Friends gather at a class reunion of Bethlehem High School. One of the classmates reminds them of t...
At Christmas God kept his promise to send Jesus, his Son, to the world as Savior, Redeemer, and Fri...